A Week of Fin - 6

16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16
When was the last time you felt completely vulnerable at the mercy of nature? Was it the recent floods? The Black Summer bush fires? Or simply gazing up to the constellations, anticipating for that meteor to strike any moment? I’ve had my fair share. And there’s some part of me that enjoys that vulnerability. Trembling in awe, knowing that I'm subject to The Almighty God who created these things in His power.
Before I knew God, I remember feeling absent from His creation. I wasn’t aware that it was His, let alone if it was anyone's. In fact, only till recently I was able to really fathom WHO made creation, and WHY it was made.
All things have been created through Jesus, and for Jesus. He is the Almighty God, who in His power, breathed the universe into existence. Not only did He create, but all things were created to glorify and honour Him. So when you look out your window over your garden, or to marvel at the raging storms, all of what you see is made in His glory and for His glory.
Now, when I witness the wrath of nature I tremble in awe of Jesus - The One who made me and the universe. Isn't that just the most profound revelation? God in his generosity and humbleness was so pleased for us to know Him and His Son, that he revealed the answer to humanity’s most puzzling questions.
Amidst His power, there is also great comfort and assurance. Comfort in knowing who God really is, and assurance in knowing we can stand before him in perfect righteousness. He isn't really some tyrant wreaking havoc on Earth, making us feel helpless and scared. But actually a God who cares for His people and loves us so deeply that He sent His only Son to restore our relationship with Him.
With Jesus as our King, helplessness and fear may no longer have a grip on us. Even as we witness our climate and environment deteriorating with an ever-present uncertainty of its future, we have the strongest hope and assurance in Jesus. For one day, God has promised a new, restored creation and Earth. One where we will no longer fear its wrath or demise. Who knows what this will look like, but we can rest assured that God delivers all His promises.
If a new Earth is awaiting us, can’t we just be bystanders to its demise? Well let's remember that God has given us the responsibility to steward and tend to Jesus’ creation. Our dominion over Earth isn't an excuse for exploitation, but a gift and responsibility to use it in a way that honours Him. Just like Adam, God has put us in His Garden to work it and take care of it.
Let’s meditate on the fact that all things have been created FOR Jesus, which means He delights in reflecting His glory throughout it. In fact, this should give us all the more reason to conserve our environment, which in turn maintains its ability to glorify Jesus.
For Today
Colossians 1:16
When was the last time you felt completely vulnerable at the mercy of nature? Was it the recent floods? The Black Summer bush fires? Or simply gazing up to the constellations, anticipating for that meteor to strike any moment? I’ve had my fair share. And there’s some part of me that enjoys that vulnerability. Trembling in awe, knowing that I'm subject to The Almighty God who created these things in His power.
Before I knew God, I remember feeling absent from His creation. I wasn’t aware that it was His, let alone if it was anyone's. In fact, only till recently I was able to really fathom WHO made creation, and WHY it was made.
All things have been created through Jesus, and for Jesus. He is the Almighty God, who in His power, breathed the universe into existence. Not only did He create, but all things were created to glorify and honour Him. So when you look out your window over your garden, or to marvel at the raging storms, all of what you see is made in His glory and for His glory.
Now, when I witness the wrath of nature I tremble in awe of Jesus - The One who made me and the universe. Isn't that just the most profound revelation? God in his generosity and humbleness was so pleased for us to know Him and His Son, that he revealed the answer to humanity’s most puzzling questions.
Amidst His power, there is also great comfort and assurance. Comfort in knowing who God really is, and assurance in knowing we can stand before him in perfect righteousness. He isn't really some tyrant wreaking havoc on Earth, making us feel helpless and scared. But actually a God who cares for His people and loves us so deeply that He sent His only Son to restore our relationship with Him.
With Jesus as our King, helplessness and fear may no longer have a grip on us. Even as we witness our climate and environment deteriorating with an ever-present uncertainty of its future, we have the strongest hope and assurance in Jesus. For one day, God has promised a new, restored creation and Earth. One where we will no longer fear its wrath or demise. Who knows what this will look like, but we can rest assured that God delivers all His promises.
If a new Earth is awaiting us, can’t we just be bystanders to its demise? Well let's remember that God has given us the responsibility to steward and tend to Jesus’ creation. Our dominion over Earth isn't an excuse for exploitation, but a gift and responsibility to use it in a way that honours Him. Just like Adam, God has put us in His Garden to work it and take care of it.
Let’s meditate on the fact that all things have been created FOR Jesus, which means He delights in reflecting His glory throughout it. In fact, this should give us all the more reason to conserve our environment, which in turn maintains its ability to glorify Jesus.
For Today
- Spend time outdoors, even briefly, observing something in nature that reflects Jesus’ glory, and give thanks for it.
- Think about how you can make at least one positive difference to help the environment.
- Tell someone about how Jesus’ creation points to His power, love, and glory, encouraging them to see the world through His perspective.
- Praise the Father for His magnificent creation and the wisdom with which He designed all things.
- Ask God to guide you in being a responsible steward of His creation, living in a way that honours Him.
- Pray for a renewed sense of hope and assurance in God’s promise of a restored creation, even amidst the brokenness of the world today.
Posted in A Week of Fin
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