A Week of Fin - 7

46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.”
48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Matthew 12:46-50
Since coming to Village, I have grown more and more appreciative of the family I have been welcomed into. Surrounded by my brothers and sisters each Sunday is honestly the greatest joy of my week. I'm so grateful to God for continually shaping our family to grow in love and warmth, both toward one another and newcomers–just as you were so welcoming to me.
Today, let’s reflect on what it means to share a brotherhood with Jesus. It’s one thing to call Him Lord, but to realize we can call Him Brother is also incredibly humbling.
Calling Jesus my brother makes me reflect on my own siblings. Imagining them dying to save me is the most heart crushing yet loving thing. Knowing that they valued my life so deeply that they gave up their own. Well, that is Jesus. He loved his family so much that he was willing to take on every physical, emotional, and spiritual torment and burden imaginable. What a brother!
I see lots of us at church amazed at how God has brought people from all walks of life together in one place. And it is amazing. Jesus has gathered all His sheep into one flock, “for there shall be one flock and one shepherd” (John 10:16). We are all so different, yet all equally loved by our Shepherd and united in both our collective and personal relationship with Him.
Let’s be a church that strives to treat everyone more like brothers and sisters, and not just strangers or acquaintances. I think it's easy to forget how united we actually are. It's not hard to notice the lack of community in our areas, now overrun by individualism and social isolation especially amongst the elderly.
It seems this is why I hear people say they miss the 80’s so much. They say it was a time of solidarity and brotherhood. A time where neighbours were best of friends, and everyone had your back. But let’s not just reminisce about the unity of the past—let’s embody it here and now.
Let’s continue to be a supportive church that sharpens each other's faith and creates a space where everyone feels seen and encouraged in their journey with God. We can’t do this alone. Jesus has brought us together for this very reason. And together, we can revive the sense of connection that so many yearn for.
Just as Jesus has brought us together as one flock, let us embody His Brotherly love not just within our church, but to the wider community. Whether it's taking the time to get to know your neighbours more, or walking that extra mile to help someone carry their groceries. Remember it's for the love of Jesus–our Brother.
For Today
48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”
Matthew 12:46-50
Since coming to Village, I have grown more and more appreciative of the family I have been welcomed into. Surrounded by my brothers and sisters each Sunday is honestly the greatest joy of my week. I'm so grateful to God for continually shaping our family to grow in love and warmth, both toward one another and newcomers–just as you were so welcoming to me.
Today, let’s reflect on what it means to share a brotherhood with Jesus. It’s one thing to call Him Lord, but to realize we can call Him Brother is also incredibly humbling.
Calling Jesus my brother makes me reflect on my own siblings. Imagining them dying to save me is the most heart crushing yet loving thing. Knowing that they valued my life so deeply that they gave up their own. Well, that is Jesus. He loved his family so much that he was willing to take on every physical, emotional, and spiritual torment and burden imaginable. What a brother!
I see lots of us at church amazed at how God has brought people from all walks of life together in one place. And it is amazing. Jesus has gathered all His sheep into one flock, “for there shall be one flock and one shepherd” (John 10:16). We are all so different, yet all equally loved by our Shepherd and united in both our collective and personal relationship with Him.
Let’s be a church that strives to treat everyone more like brothers and sisters, and not just strangers or acquaintances. I think it's easy to forget how united we actually are. It's not hard to notice the lack of community in our areas, now overrun by individualism and social isolation especially amongst the elderly.
It seems this is why I hear people say they miss the 80’s so much. They say it was a time of solidarity and brotherhood. A time where neighbours were best of friends, and everyone had your back. But let’s not just reminisce about the unity of the past—let’s embody it here and now.
Let’s continue to be a supportive church that sharpens each other's faith and creates a space where everyone feels seen and encouraged in their journey with God. We can’t do this alone. Jesus has brought us together for this very reason. And together, we can revive the sense of connection that so many yearn for.
Just as Jesus has brought us together as one flock, let us embody His Brotherly love not just within our church, but to the wider community. Whether it's taking the time to get to know your neighbours more, or walking that extra mile to help someone carry their groceries. Remember it's for the love of Jesus–our Brother.
For Today
- Take time to greet someone new or someone you haven’t spoken to in a while at church.
- Think about how you can embody brotherly love this week—whether at church, at home, or in your neighbourhood.
- Reach out to a neighbour or someone in need. Show Christ’s love through a small, intentional act of kindness.
- Thank God for welcoming you into His family and for the brothers and sisters He has placed in your life.
- Ask God to deepen the unity in your church, making it a light to the wider community.
- Pray for wisdom and courage to be a vessel of Christ’s love in practical ways this week, especially to those who feel a lack of love or connection
Posted in A Week of Fin
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