Father God

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth
The Apostle’s Creed
We’ve got a bit of a gap until we begin our next Sermon Series (Matthew Pt. 3) in February. So I thought we might take a look at one of the most important early Christian documents - the Apostle’s Creed.
Did you grow up speaking the Apostle’s Creed out loud at Church? Why do or did Churches do that? It most likely wasn’t written by the Apostles themselves. However, it does capture the teachings of the Apostles in a concise, faithful and easy to memorise piece of writing.
So, let’s join with Christians of generations past in reflecting on the Creed, being encouraged by the realities it captures. This initial sentence captures that it is God the Father who is the Almighty and Maker of heaven and earth.
Creation points to purpose and meaning. The universe is not a random act and nor are we. Our universe and its many wonders is the backdrop to God’s great story. The timing of our birth as well as our genetics, personalities and physiology is by the will of our maker. As it is put in Isaiah, He is the Potter and we are the clay.
He is the Almighty. Not an impotent God who wrings His hands as the world spirals out of control. He is also Father, not an aloof dictator who exercises His power with no regard for His creation. This is power perfectly united with love.
This is who we pray to. Whose promises we trust in and who we will one day spend eternity with. Who sent His Son to die for our sins and who willed the Spirit to fulfill His promises.
On Saturday, we turn to the second person of the Trinity who came in the flesh.
The Apostle’s Creed
We’ve got a bit of a gap until we begin our next Sermon Series (Matthew Pt. 3) in February. So I thought we might take a look at one of the most important early Christian documents - the Apostle’s Creed.
Did you grow up speaking the Apostle’s Creed out loud at Church? Why do or did Churches do that? It most likely wasn’t written by the Apostles themselves. However, it does capture the teachings of the Apostles in a concise, faithful and easy to memorise piece of writing.
So, let’s join with Christians of generations past in reflecting on the Creed, being encouraged by the realities it captures. This initial sentence captures that it is God the Father who is the Almighty and Maker of heaven and earth.
Creation points to purpose and meaning. The universe is not a random act and nor are we. Our universe and its many wonders is the backdrop to God’s great story. The timing of our birth as well as our genetics, personalities and physiology is by the will of our maker. As it is put in Isaiah, He is the Potter and we are the clay.
He is the Almighty. Not an impotent God who wrings His hands as the world spirals out of control. He is also Father, not an aloof dictator who exercises His power with no regard for His creation. This is power perfectly united with love.
This is who we pray to. Whose promises we trust in and who we will one day spend eternity with. Who sent His Son to die for our sins and who willed the Spirit to fulfill His promises.
On Saturday, we turn to the second person of the Trinity who came in the flesh.
- Have you ever read the Apostle’s Creed?
- Do you believe that God is your maker?
- How might you honour your Heavenly Father?
- Praise the Father that He is the Almighty, Maker of Heaven & Earth.
- Give thanks that He made us and a world to enjoy.
- Ask God that He would help you and others to know Him better.
Posted in Apostles Creed
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