Wisdom Wednesday

Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.

1 Corinthians 9:19

Why do people make friends? It’s not a question we think about much. It just happens right? First, through family friends, then through school or sports, and so on.

I think it’s fair to say that most people make friends because it’s natural (God created us to be relational) and because it’s healthy - friendships make us feel more satisfied and complete in life.

But Christians have another reason to make friends. For the sake of salvation and God’s glory. We want to see more people trust in Jesus and be saved and proclaim Jesus as King. And one way to do that is through making friends with unbelievers.

This form of intentionality has profoundly changed how my wife and I live. We have intentionally made friendships with people who we probably would never have naturally chosen.

This isn’t calculating though it is intentional. I would suggest it is loving. In light of the realities of heaven and hell and the glory of Christ - how can we not? If people naturally make friends for their own sake - how much better to make friends for Christ’s sake and for their sake?

But there is an additional benefit. Apart from the reality that unbelievers can often be wonderful friends (by God’s grace) - they also bring us helpful understanding. This is to say that friendships with unbelievers often leads to greater compassion and comprehension. 

  • Do you have any friends who are unbelievers?
  • Do you think about why you make friends?
  • Who is one friend you need to encourage to check out Jesus

  • Praise the Father for His love and compassion. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus who made friends with us while we were still sinners. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others make friends with unbelievers for their salvation.
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