Wisdom Wednesday

Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding,

Proverbs 3:13

Where do we find wisdom? Who can we trust? This has become a complicated question today.

For instance, thirty years ago most people would say you can trust the news. But now, we don’t because there’s too many contradictory reports and we think so much of what we are told comes from a biased viewpoint.

We used to think we could we could get wisdom from science. But again, science has its own flaws. It was wise to avoid full cream milk. Now, it’s healthy again.

Surely we can trust our guts. Our instincts don’t lead us astray. Except my gut seems to be giving me wisdom that other people call foolishness.

If only there was someone who knew everything! Who could see all perspectives and who had perfect hindsight and so on. Oh… right.

True wisdom can be found. Not from the news (though it can contain some), not from science (though it can contain some) and not from our guts (though it can contain some). True wisdom comes from the God who knows all and sees all and who in His grace has shared with us wisdom by which we can live good lives.

  • Where do you think our world looks for wisdom?
  • Where do you look for wisdom?
  • What’s one decision you need God’s wisdom on at the moment?

  • Praise the Father that He is all-knowing, all-seeing and perfectly wise. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus who is and shares with us the wisdom of God. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others trust in God for wisdom.
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