Wisdom Wednesday

Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
         and the pleasantness of a friend 
         springs from their heartfelt advice. 

Proverbs 27:9

Making and maintaining friendships must be one of the most important and yet hardest parts of life. Particularly as you get older and as responsibilities pile up. And our cultural situation hasn’t helped. As many have noted - we have lots of connections but few deep ones.

One thing I think we are all looking for is deep friendships. As the Proverb suggests. A friend who gives heartfelt advice brings joy. So how do we make good friendships? What makes a good friendship?

Well, having started writing I’ve decided to push this across a few Wednesdays. Let’s start with this.

The greatest friendship we need is with Jesus. By God’s grace, Jesus is the friend of sinners. John records Jesus saying that He has called us friends. And what a friend we have in Jesus. Forgiving, powerful, generous, kind, wise, trustworthy… we could go on. Jesus is the greatest friend everyone needs and unlike us, He is willing and able to be friends with everyone if they would just come to Him.

Are you feeling a little alone? A bit friendless? Start here. If you trust in Jesus then you have the most important and deep friendship there is.

Maybe you find that unsatisfying? Why is that? Is it that Jesus isn’t everything He says He is? Or could it be that we are treating Him more like a Facebook friend? You know - we keep an eye on what He says but generally just skim past. Maybe we send Him a message every now and then.

But that’s not a deep relationship. To truly find what we need in Jesus we need to engage deeply with Him. Like any person we need to listen to Him. And we need to speak to Him. But of course, because He isn’t just any person but God - how much more…

As we think about friendships. Can I encourage you to make your first and firmest friendship with Jesus?

For Today:
  • Do you struggle with friendships? Would you say you have close friends?
  • Do you see Jesus as your closest friend? Do you treat Him a bit like a FB friend?
  • How could you grow your relationship with Jesus today?

  • Praise the Father than He has given us a brother and friend in Jesus. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus who forgives our sins and offers us friendship. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help us and others draw near to Jesus.
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