Humble Child

25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26 Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.
Matthew 11:25-26
One of the realities of the modern world, social media and a global economy is a greater awareness of just how intelligent some other people are. Whether it’s reading their books, hearing their speeches, enjoying the technology they designed or whatever. Man, there are some smart people out there.
And wouldn’t be just so frustrating if the only way to find salvation in life, to enjoy eternal life and know God, required a level of IQ or education.
Oh I know how it feels sometimes. You open the Bible and you understand the words, but you also don’t. It can feel like you need a degree in Theology to read the Bible sometimes.
But to know the central message of the Bible? The gospel. To be saved and to have eternal life. To follow Jesus faithfully. You don’t need a PhD for this. In fact, you need to approach Jesus as if you don’t have one.
All you need is the humility to come and sit as His feet and ask Him to forgive your sins and lead you as Lord. That’s a low bar. But for sinners, it’s a huge challenge.
Matthew 11:25-26
One of the realities of the modern world, social media and a global economy is a greater awareness of just how intelligent some other people are. Whether it’s reading their books, hearing their speeches, enjoying the technology they designed or whatever. Man, there are some smart people out there.
And wouldn’t be just so frustrating if the only way to find salvation in life, to enjoy eternal life and know God, required a level of IQ or education.
Oh I know how it feels sometimes. You open the Bible and you understand the words, but you also don’t. It can feel like you need a degree in Theology to read the Bible sometimes.
But to know the central message of the Bible? The gospel. To be saved and to have eternal life. To follow Jesus faithfully. You don’t need a PhD for this. In fact, you need to approach Jesus as if you don’t have one.
All you need is the humility to come and sit as His feet and ask Him to forgive your sins and lead you as Lord. That’s a low bar. But for sinners, it’s a huge challenge.
- Do you sometimes worry you aren’t smart enough in life?
- Have you humbled yourself before Jesus?
- What does it look like for you to do that today.
- Praise the Father that He is truly worthy of our trust and praise.
- Give thanks for Jesus who gently leads God’s children.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others humble their hearts before Jesus
Posted in Matthew
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