Struggling with Non-Christian Friendships | Understanding Nephilim/Giants

Jun 12, 2024


1. I'm really struggling to maintain healthy relationships with my non-Christian friends. I want to love them and point them to Jesus by showing them a better way... but I can see that the way they relate to each other (and to me) is so very dysfunctional. Everything they care about is not only meaningless... but detestable. Despite this, God has given me a few good opportunities to tell them about the hope I have in Jesus, and for moments it's seemed like they were receptive - but in the end I don't think they've moved closer to coming to know Him. What does the Bible have to say about these type of relationships? Are there any general principles to follow here (i.e. if A -> then B, if C -> then D)?

2. What should we make of the few mentions of Nephilim/Giants in the OT? What do we know about them (other cultures seem to have records of them too)?