Denominational Disagreements | Old Earth & Evolution | The Devil’s Backstory | Angels & Free Will?
1. How do we think about other churches 'holding scripture as their highest authority' but coming to totally different conclusions on what scripture is teaching?
2. a) Can you explain if the Bible narrative supports an ‘old earth’ creation theory. b) How do we approach evolution, especially when unbelievers use it as “facts” to argue against a creator God. c) How should Christains approach developments in medical science, especially with the development of cloning for organ transplants etc. Is there a ‘line’ so to speak, that be shouldn’t be crossed.
3. Double barrelled question: What can we hold to about who the devil is and what his… ‘backstory’ is? Where do we get the idea of fallen angel from? Is that just speculation/tradition?
4. What is the difference between angels and humans in regard to their ability to disobey God? Are angels more ‘robotic’ than humans in that they do not have a proclivity towards sin in the same way that we do?