Literal Days in Genesis | Understanding the Sabbath | Are We Little Tabernacles?
1. In Exodus 20 when the Ten Commandments are given in particular regarding the Sabbath, God refers back to creation being made in six days and then on the seventh he rested (Ex 20:11) as the reason for keeping the Sabbath. Doesn’t this refute the take that the ‘days’ mentioned in the Genesis account of creation are not literal? With a verse like this don’t we need to view that the days mentioned are literal and therefore accept a young earth view. If we are still not to view the days as literal how do we look at the 4th commandment and the wisdom that we can take from it despite it’s discontinuation in the new covenant of they are not literal days.
2. On Sunday we jumped from Old tabernacle to new creation but should we look at ourselves as little tabernacles - since God dwells with us. Is this unhelpful language/imagery?