The Bigger Story
The Village Church story is actually part of a much greater story. Our story, is really His story. Since before the foundations of the world, God the Father has been at work to create a people for His Son. For thousands of years and right now God is gathering His people from the corners of the earth through the rallying cry of the gospel message that Jesus is the resurrected God-King who offers forgiveness for sin to those who trust in Him and acknowledge Him as their Lord.
Village Church is just the smallest part of this bigger story.
We are simply a bunch of otherwise ordinary people who live in the Northern Suburbs of Wollongong, who believe in Jesus as their King and want to reach out to our community with the wonderful, saving and serious message of the gospel.
Village Church is just the smallest part of this bigger story.
We are simply a bunch of otherwise ordinary people who live in the Northern Suburbs of Wollongong, who believe in Jesus as their King and want to reach out to our community with the wonderful, saving and serious message of the gospel.

In 2021, Village Church was planted with people primarily from Salt Church Wollongong. Supported by Geneva Push & FIEC, Tim Canosa, together with 14 other adults and a bunch of kids formed a launch team to kick off in September 2021. Along the way, a bunch of others have joined. Praise God. We hope to reach many more as we seek to celebrate the work of Christ toward His people.
Where we are going
Our prayer is to see 10% of the Northern Suburbs of Wollongong in gospel-centred Churches.
This looks like 100 adults at Village Church by 2023 and 250 by 2030, who Grow, Gather, Give and Go, in love and joy to the Glory of God.
This looks like 100 adults at Village Church by 2023 and 250 by 2030, who Grow, Gather, Give and Go, in love and joy to the Glory of God.

Be a part of our story...
Join us on a Sunday at 4pm and let us know.