Theology Thursday

3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

This is the second last week in our Biblical Theology series where we have traced many themes as they develop across history and the Scriptures. It seems fitting that we should finish with two of the most important and central themes; firstly the death of God’s servant to save sinners.

As Paul says, he passed on what he received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. What does he mean? According to the Scriptures? He can’t mean the New Testament or even the Gospel accounts because 1 Corinthians was written first. No, he is referring to the Old Testament.

But where? Perhaps he is referring to Isaiah 53 and he probably is. But I would suggest that Paul is speaking of more than just Isaiah 53. Throughout the Old Testament there are glimmers that point forward to Christ.

For example, Joseph. He is portrayed as a righteous man who is betrayed and cast into ‘the pit’ by his own people. His ‘death’ will lead to the saving of the family of God.

Jonah’s boat is in desperate peril. The storm of God is about to destroy all onboard. But Jonah is cast into the sea (remembering that the sea represents death in Jewish thinking). The death of the prophet brings salvation to the sailors aboard and they worship God.

These are but two examples of why Paul can say that Jesus' death for sinners was according to the Scriptures. But so what? Well, it reminds us again that the Bible is one story written by the master Author. It also tells us that Christ’s death wasn’t an accident. It was the plan of God and those who trust in Jesus are the 

For Today:
  • Have you seen these patterns of Christ’s death before?
  • Why do you think God wove these patterns into history/the Bible?
  • How does that give us confidence in the Bible & in Christ’s death?

Praise the Father that He is the master Author. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who died for our sins according to the plan of God. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others trust in the Scriptures and the death of Jesus.

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