Theology Thursday

Q1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
Westminster Shorter Catechism

Over the coming weeks/months - it’s going to be Theology Thursdays using the Westminster Shorter Catechism as our textbook. This helpful document was put together by some faithful Christians in the 16th century to help God’s people learn what the Bible says about well… everything. 

What’s a catechism? It’s a method of teaching using questions and answers. You can find the whole catechism here - 

Let’s start today on Question 1.

Why are we here? What is the purpose of humanity, it’s ‘chief end’? It’s to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Two big concepts here. What does it mean to glorify God and enjoy Him? 

Let’s start with glorifying - John Piper is helpful here, “Glorifying” means feeling and thinking and acting in ways that reflect his greatness. We were made to make God look great. We do that when we love in a way that points to God’s love. We do that when we forgive, that points to God’s mercy. We do that when we act justly, wisely, kindly, patiently… Most of all, we do it when we trust in Jesus as our Lord and follow Him faithfully.

Similarly, we were made to enjoy God. Now this is tricky, I think the word enjoy has changed a little over the centuries. Find joy in Him might be more helpful. Our greatest joy in life should be God and His works.

This is what you were made for.
More on that in a few weeks time.

For Today:
  • Is this how you see your life?
  • When have you made God look great? When haven’t you?
  • When have you found joy in God? When haven’t you?

Praise the Father that He is glorious and made us to enjoy Him. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who makes a way for us to see and enjoy knowing God. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others glorify Him and enjoy Him today.

Passages: 1 Corinthians 10:31, Romans 11:36, Psalm 73:24-26, John 17:22-24

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