Theology Thursday

Q1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
Westminster Shorter Catechism

Over the coming weeks/months - it’s going to be Theology Thursdays using the Westminster Shorter Catechism as our textbook. This helpful document was put together by some faithful Christians in the 16th century to help God’s people learn what the Bible says about well… everything. 

What’s a catechism? It’s a method of teaching using questions and answers. You can find the whole catechism here - 

Let’s continue our reflections on Question 1.

Our purpose. Our chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

I want to spend a bit more time on these statements.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that we should glorify God in everything we do. But what does that actually mean? And how do we do it?

Well, let me give you a couple of thoughts.
Firstly, we put Him, well, first. In just about everything that matters we ask the question what would God want, before asking the question, what do I want. You can skip this question when it comes to breakfast cereal choice but in most other cases, glorifying God starts with putting Him first.

Secondly, think, what’s going to show Jesus as glorious. We are Christ’s ambassadors on earth. Here to show His light and love. What can we do today, tomorrow or for the foreseeable future that might show how glorious He is to others around us.

Thirdly, let’s combine both parts of the Westminster answer. Enjoying God is how we glorify Him. We can find everything we need in God and Jesus Christ for the most flourishing life. We glorify Him when we do. When we turn to Him for security, for rest, for inner peace, for confidence, for hope, for intellectual satisfaction or emotional strength. And when we are joyful that we can/do. 
This is glorifying Him.

For Today:
  • What does it look like to put God first today?
  • How could you show the glory of Jesus to others today?
  • How are you or could you enjoy God today?

Pray: Praise the Father for His glorious purpose. Give thanks for Jesus Christ who makes us able to glorify Him and enjoy Him. Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others put God first, show His glory and enjoy Him more today.

Passages: 1 Corinthians 10:31, Romans 11:36, Psalm 73:24-26, John 17:22-24

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