Theology Thursday

Q. 43. What is the preface to the ten commandments?
A. The preface to the ten commandments is in these words, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Westminster Shorter Catechism
What right does God have to command? For many today - the thought of God having the ‘right’ to speak to their life is laughable. But we need to see, God’s commands don’t come out of nowhere. They are the loving instructions of the creator to the created and the rescuer to the rescued.
All people (not just Christians) should follow God’s commands. For in the truest sense, they owe their lives to Him. In three ways. Firstly, by God’s grace we are created. Secondly, by God’s grace we and our universe are sustained (kept alive). Thirdly, by God’s grace He does not bring instant judgement for sin. Every inch of our being is by God’s grace and that gives Him rights to command.
But for Christians, we recognise an even further grace. This same God rescued us out of slavery to sin and gave us the gift of eternal life. We were made to sail straight and true. But we wrecked ourselves by sailing off course and onto the rocks. God, however, is the master salvager and He lovingly restores us so that we might sail straight and true again.
Do you see His grace? And His right to command? Do you want to sail straight and true? If you do - listen to Christ’s commands as the words of one who knows everything, knows you better than you and who desires your greatest good. He’s shown that He does by dying on the cross.
For Today:
Passages: Exodus 20:1-17, Galatians 1:3-5, Colossians 1:13, John 8:34-36
A. The preface to the ten commandments is in these words, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Westminster Shorter Catechism
What right does God have to command? For many today - the thought of God having the ‘right’ to speak to their life is laughable. But we need to see, God’s commands don’t come out of nowhere. They are the loving instructions of the creator to the created and the rescuer to the rescued.
All people (not just Christians) should follow God’s commands. For in the truest sense, they owe their lives to Him. In three ways. Firstly, by God’s grace we are created. Secondly, by God’s grace we and our universe are sustained (kept alive). Thirdly, by God’s grace He does not bring instant judgement for sin. Every inch of our being is by God’s grace and that gives Him rights to command.
But for Christians, we recognise an even further grace. This same God rescued us out of slavery to sin and gave us the gift of eternal life. We were made to sail straight and true. But we wrecked ourselves by sailing off course and onto the rocks. God, however, is the master salvager and He lovingly restores us so that we might sail straight and true again.
Do you see His grace? And His right to command? Do you want to sail straight and true? If you do - listen to Christ’s commands as the words of one who knows everything, knows you better than you and who desires your greatest good. He’s shown that He does by dying on the cross.
For Today:
- Do you see God as your creator and rescuer?
- Do you see that God’s commands are for your good?
- How could you be reminded of who is commanding you today?
- Praise the Father for His grace upon grace to us.
- Give thanks for Jesus who rescues us out of slavery to sin and into His freedom.
- Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others follow His commands.
Passages: Exodus 20:1-17, Galatians 1:3-5, Colossians 1:13, John 8:34-36
Posted in Theology Thursday
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