Theology Thursday

Q. 89. How is the Word made effectual to salvation?
A. The Spirit of God maketh the reading, but especially the preaching of the Word, an effectual means of convincing and converting sinners, and of building them up in holiness and comfort, through faith, unto salvation.
Westminster Shorter Catechism
How are you going, Theology Thursday readers? How are you going with the catechism? How do you find its language and concepts? Can I encourage you, if you find it a bit hard to understand, don’t give up. Most humans are willing to do some work to understand things that matter to them. The Catechism helps us to understand God.
So today. How does God use the Word to effect or to ensure salvation? Think about it this way. You don’t just read the Bible and get saved. Lots and lots of people know the Bible well, have read it, and yet don’t trust in Jesus. Lots of people have listened to faithful, logical and heart-engaging preaching and yet not come to faith. Why is this?
Well, there is a crucial ingredient. Kind of like the yeast in bread or pizza. In salvation, it’s the Spirit of God. Without the Spirit of God, the gospel is not effective for salvation. People need God’s Spirit to open their ears to hear. To give them new hearts to believe. To give them eyes of faith that see Jesus for who He is.
Similarly, believers need the Spirit to work through the Word to bring them to ongoing repentance, understanding, comfort and holiness. We need God’s Spirit working in us to help us win the battle over our old self and embrace the new self.
I’ve heard it said before that some Churches that ‘just preach the Bible’ are not ‘Spirit Churches’. As opposed maybe to Churches that speak in tongues or continue practise the 1 Corinthians 12 gifts of the Spirit. But this is a sad misunderstanding. To be a ‘Spirit Church’ is to trust that Spirit chooses to work through His Word.
This is the symbiotic relationship of Word and Spirit. Without the Word we shouldn’t expect the Spirit. But it is only with the help of the Spirit that anyone can understand the Word and it’s good news about Jesus.
Pray today for a more active yeast of the Holy Spirit at Village Church and in all the Churches of the Northern Suburbs.
For Today:
Passages: Nehemiah 8:8-9, Acts 20:32, Romans 10:14-17, 2 Timothy 3:15-17, John 16:13-16
A. The Spirit of God maketh the reading, but especially the preaching of the Word, an effectual means of convincing and converting sinners, and of building them up in holiness and comfort, through faith, unto salvation.
Westminster Shorter Catechism
How are you going, Theology Thursday readers? How are you going with the catechism? How do you find its language and concepts? Can I encourage you, if you find it a bit hard to understand, don’t give up. Most humans are willing to do some work to understand things that matter to them. The Catechism helps us to understand God.
So today. How does God use the Word to effect or to ensure salvation? Think about it this way. You don’t just read the Bible and get saved. Lots and lots of people know the Bible well, have read it, and yet don’t trust in Jesus. Lots of people have listened to faithful, logical and heart-engaging preaching and yet not come to faith. Why is this?
Well, there is a crucial ingredient. Kind of like the yeast in bread or pizza. In salvation, it’s the Spirit of God. Without the Spirit of God, the gospel is not effective for salvation. People need God’s Spirit to open their ears to hear. To give them new hearts to believe. To give them eyes of faith that see Jesus for who He is.
Similarly, believers need the Spirit to work through the Word to bring them to ongoing repentance, understanding, comfort and holiness. We need God’s Spirit working in us to help us win the battle over our old self and embrace the new self.
I’ve heard it said before that some Churches that ‘just preach the Bible’ are not ‘Spirit Churches’. As opposed maybe to Churches that speak in tongues or continue practise the 1 Corinthians 12 gifts of the Spirit. But this is a sad misunderstanding. To be a ‘Spirit Church’ is to trust that Spirit chooses to work through His Word.
This is the symbiotic relationship of Word and Spirit. Without the Word we shouldn’t expect the Spirit. But it is only with the help of the Spirit that anyone can understand the Word and it’s good news about Jesus.
Pray today for a more active yeast of the Holy Spirit at Village Church and in all the Churches of the Northern Suburbs.
For Today:
- When has the Spirit really ‘brought alive’ the Word for you?
- Do you know someone who has heard the gospel but not responded? Pray for them.
- What is the Spirit saying to you today through His Word?
- Praise the Father for His grace and mercy toward sinners.
- Give thanks for Jesus who is the good news for salvation.
- Ask God for the Holy Spirit to help you and others hear the good news effectively today.
Passages: Nehemiah 8:8-9, Acts 20:32, Romans 10:14-17, 2 Timothy 3:15-17, John 16:13-16
Posted in Theology Thursday
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