Theology Thursday

The centrality of Christ is the foundation of the Protestant faith. Luther said that Jesus Christ is the “center and circumference of the Bible”—meaning that who He is and what He did in His death and resurrection is the fundamental content of Scripture.

Joel R. Beeke, Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism (Lake Mary, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2008), 140.

It was Nicolas Copernicus that first proved that the earth and indeed all the planets actually revolved around the sun. For some this defied logic. Why wouldn’t God make the earth at the centre of all things? But this is a grave misunderstanding of our place in the universe. All things, history, revolves around the Son.

Paul says it neatly in Colossians, “all things have been created through him and for him.” It is in Christ alone (Sola Christus) that we find our meaning in life. We were made to look to Him and follow Him as Lord and King. In Him we find our identity, we are His citizens and in Him we are sons of God.

Most of all, Christ is our hope, for it is only through Christ that we can be saved. If there is no Christ then there is no salvation because, “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
This is because it is only Christ who can satisfy the justice of God. Only Christ, in His humanity, could be a like-for-like sacrifice for sinful humans. And only as God Himself come in flesh, could provide a sacrifice of such worth that it would cover the sins of all God’s people. 

It could only be Christ, because only He could ensure that all the glory goes to God for salvation.

For Today:
  • Do you believe that salvation is through Christ alone?
  • Do you believe that your life revolves around Christ?
  • How could you honour Christ today or this week?
  • Praise the Father for His love of the Son to whom He gives all things. 
  • Give thanks for Jesus who wins salvation to us through His work on the cross. 
  • Ask God for His Holy Spirit to help you and others find hope, purpose and identity in Christ alone.

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