Living Grounded: why does Jesus wash feet, difference between Church & Kingdom of God, missing verse

Jul 3, 2024


1. You talked during the sermon yesterday about Moses’s sandals and how they represented his sin. Couldn’t help but recall Jesus washing the disciples feet in the upper room in John 13. In John’s account we see Peter first refusing to have Jesus wash his feet which Jesus rebukes him for and then Peter asks for a bath instead. What’s going on here? Is Jesus showing us a justification and sanctification thing here?

2. Is there are difference between the Church and the kingdom of God? If so what are these differences? Is the kingdom of God more encompassing than the church? Is the kingdom all encompassing? By encompassing I’m thinking in terms of different spheres or jurisdictions if that is clarifying at all?

3. Why do newer bible translations leave out some passages that KJV leaves in? Matt 17:21, 23 + 18:11 - should we consider these to be God's words?