Posts with the category “proverbs”
by Finley Hirst on January 4th, 2025
For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths.The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast.For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly.Proverbs 5:21-23We are almost a week out of New Years and I wonder how your resolutions are going? Apparently, most people give up on their resolutions by the 1... Read More
True Change
by Tim Canosa on April 14th, 2023
HeTeach me, Lord, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end.Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.Fulfill your promise... Read More
by Tim Canosa on March 27th, 2023
My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke,because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.Proverbs 3:11A week or so ago we considered the fear of the Lord and whether God punishes us in direct correlation with our sin. That is, can we connect getting COVID to that time we forgot to give to Church.And as I said on the Sunday, we... Read More
New Years Psalm 2New Years Psalm 3New Years Psalm 4DisciplineA Week of Fin - 1A Week of Fin - 2A Week of Fin - 3A Week of Fin - 4A Week of Fin - 5A Week of Fin - 6A Week of Fin - 7Memorisation MondayFather GodWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFBegotten SonS.O.S.Memorisation MondayBorn by SpiritWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFThe DescentS.O.S.Memorisation MondayHe RoseWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFSeated Beside
Psalm 145:9-13Psalm 145:14-16Psalm 145:17-19Psalm 145:20Psalm 145:212024Memorisation MondayNew Year ResolutionsWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFResolutionsS.O.S.Memorisation MondayRules to LifeWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFPlanning CentreS.O.S.Memorisation MondayFailed ResolutionsWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFKeeping the RulesS.O.S.Memorisation MondayMessiahWisdom WednesdayTheology Thursday
TGIFAllS.O.S.Memorisation MondayFamily TreeWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFPredictionsS.O.S.Memorisation MondayMagiWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFThreatenedS.O.S.Memorisation MondayWise WorshipWisdom WednesdayTheology ThursdayTGIFHistoryS.O.S.Memorisation MondaySpiritual StainsWisdom WednesdayTheology Thursday